

This glossary is a reference for some terms that are used in the documentation.


A user is identified with a unique email address. A user can create or be a member of several organizations.


An organization represents a company, a cost center or a small team, that is used by several members. Members can have different rights:

  • Owner - all rights
  • Administrator - all rights except ability to manage billing
  • Members - all rights except ability to invite/revoke new users, and to manage billing

Cloud connector

A cloud connector represents credentials that give rights to ScaleDynamics CaaS to allocate/deallocate infrastructure resources on a particular CSP.


A runner is a cloud/on-premise resource that can is used to run one or multiple services (container instances). User can create or delete runners dynamically. A Runner is able to auto-scale according to its configuration.


A project identifies a set of containers to be deployed. Users can use project to logically represents a website, a web app, a microservice, an API... An organization can have multiple projects.


An environment defines the cloud execution environment to deploy and run a project.

User can define several environments for a project (i.e. development, test, staging, pre-production, production...)


A container is a package of software that includes all dependencies: code, runtime, configuration, and system libraries so that it can run on any host system. After build, a container is a docker image.


A service corresponds of a running instance of a container. Each service has a name to be identified by the user. User can run multiple services in an environment.

Inter service traffic (IST)

Feature to enable secure TCP level communication between services.